lunes, 30 de junio de 2014

Lesson plan

English Level: A2
Course Level
Date: July 3rd
Topic: "My daily routines"
 Goal : At the end of the class students will be able to talk about their daily routines.
Outcomes: Students will describe their routing using verbs and frequency adverbs.
Strategies: Roll Play 

Warming up: Students listen to  , pracice the lyrics and do the  game with verbs

" Hanky Hanky Panky Panky Fee, Fa,fi Foo" ( 5 MINUTES)

Hunky Hunky Punky Punky Fee, Fa,fi Foo
so listen to the sound
of the great big Bull dog
Play , eat, dance, cook, walk 

  " Hunky Hunky Punky Punky Fee, Fa,fi Foo"

Presentation: Teacher show a video  about daily routines asking  students about what action is the child doing and asking students to repit it.

Practice: Teachers divides the class in two  groups
and give a piece of paper with  sentences like :
I never  wake up at 6:00
I frequently wash my face
I brush my teeth three times
I rarely comb my hair
I always eat  breakfast
I usually go to school

 Students mime  the sentence and the  other group  try to guess in a minute.
Teachers show pictures and students write a sentence about it in present simple using frequency adverbs then they read it.

Teachers show scrabble sentences and students order them.

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

final presentation



 Hanky Panky

Hanky Hanky Panky Panky Fee, Fa,fi Foo
so listen to the sound
of the great big Bull dog
Play , eat, dance, cook, walk 

  " Hunky Hunky Punky Punky Fee, Fa,fi Foo"

2.Watch the video and repit the lyrics

3. Lets play  Guess what?

4. Watch the next  pictures and write sentences using simple present and frequency adverbs


martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


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Diseñamos y decoramos ponques, cup cakes, masmelos, galletas, almendras, gelatinas y demás productos según el gusto de nuestros clientes.

Ofrecemos  además helados desde $600  y combos de helados para fiestas de $10.000,  $15.000 , $ 20.000 a domicilio .

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